Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hurricane Isaac's path

Cacti bushes, captured in Arizona

Hi my friends,

it's Sunday again and I hope you all have a good one, where ever you are!

Two days ago we were fearing Hurricane "Isaac"'s path coming over Florida and today we are lucky and happy... he turned out more to the waters into the Gulf of Mexico and Florida is out of danger, except Key West get wet. You never know up to the last days which direction the storm will really turn.

Back in time, when we were living down in Key West, we were evacuating many times - and nothing happened at home. And by many other storms we sat at home, boarded up with a lot of water and a bigger stock of can food as usual...had no electricity for some days - and get soaked with to much water....almost in to the living room.

But today we are happy and thankful not to had to do anything from all above.

Wishing you all a safe and lucky Sunday too!

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