View of the Main Street in Down Town - I loved this little hill town!

I don't know if this is the City Hall, I'm not sure

A pretty catholic church - in pink

Impressive sign for a music shop in Down Town - do you recognize all the musicians?

This mural looks good also with the cars in the front! :)

Indian - Mexican style deco on a private house wall

I'm sure if we would have spent more time in this pretty town, we would have discovered many more of this nice murals, like this one.

In the arty and gallery quarter was a coffee house - and some people enjoyed outside the warming spring time sun

Around the corner of the same coffee house were more inviting benches to sit down

A bunch of dried hot, red chili peppers - it makes a nice decoration on every wall!

In front of a
gallery was this wonderful painted bench with New Mexico subject

Allover town you can see these tiles on walls, on steps or just in the paved board walks - what a wonderful idea!

Pretty view into a window

Cactus flowers

It's springtime also in Silver City at almost 6000 feet high in the mountains of New Mexico!!!
Hi my friends,
Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments and compliments to my last post! I'm behind with my postings a little bit.... but please stay tuned and have patience - my problems were again the Internet-connection.
I will have much more pictures to show you, beautiful pictures of landscapes we drove trough and places we have visited, everything was so overwhelming for me - I have to admit again and once more and I think it will be not the last time: this country is just surprisingly BEAUTIFUL - and endless BIG! :))
Susanne and David
Hi Susanne ... looks like you are having a great time!
It is indeed a colorful city. And (I know I said it already a few posts ago) you really have to make a book on this trip. It will sell like "heissi Weggli".
Goodness, you seem to be covering a lot of territory in a short amount of time. For the looks of your photos, I would think one could find all kinds of photographic opportunities in each new location.
I think I've fallen in love with this town! It looks like a creative person's heaven!!!
Thank you for the virtual trip through your pictures. Stay safe!
Loved the shots of the flowering spring trees on the street...any pics of spring you can provide is always delightful.
By the way, I know you don't have much time to read other's blogs anymore on the road, but I left an award on my blog for you today....it should help you get more readers!
You are in my old hunting grounds. NM is a beautiful place...and those chili pepers you see hanging for 'decoration' are also used to make the local red chili sauce you find on most New Mexican foods.
Beautiful pictures. Enjoy!
Thank you for all the wonderful pictures you've been posting. Sorry you're having trouble with your Internet.
A definite must visit to anyone i think. This place is so colourful and I like it a lot. I'm so pleased you enjoyed your visit there. It looks like a photographers paradise, so many opportunities.
Susanne, Silver City yet very colorful. Good eye for capturing unique things. Anna :)
Susanne, looks like you enjoyed our little piece of heaven. I enjoyed the photos very much - -thanks!
-Linda Ferrara, Silver City, NM
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