A simple picture in a nice light . Without the sunlight creating those shadows, this photo would be plain and dead looking. It would be very boring and a picture without any "message". Light is everything in photography.
The word photography is derived from the Greek language: "phos" = light and "graphos" = writing. In translation that means: "writing with light".
You are so right. Light can make a wonderful photograph, or totally ruin a great oportunity.. thanks for sharing
Thanks Tracy! :-)
Writing with light is a beautiful description of your shot ... gorgeous!
Thank you Karen! :-)
You certainly are Writing with Light Susanne - lovely picture - thanks for sharing!
Hello Susanne. Great contrast in colors and texture. It all comes together is a very nice way. :o)
Thank you so much Renny,
for your nice words, I thank you for this compliment.
Thank Twanyia,
for visiting, for looking at my post and for writing your nice comment.:-)
excellent light. well done
Thank you for the light's medicine that heals from dark thoughts while viewing your photos.
Just at glimpse, your blog helped greatly in recovering from sorrow for the crash of the most of my computer programs.
That's hard to explain, but your photos have something magical.
I would edit the definition of the photography by adding to the "writing with light" the need to have the light's pen - that's not a camera but the light inside that makes all we touch the miracle of the light - your embody the path of the spirit in your works.
Your visit to my surly blogs could warm me. I would greatly appreciate your comments on my http://arthiker.wordpress.com/
Thanks to you evlahos!
Hi Thomas,
Thank you so much for all these wonderful words, coming from such agreat artist like you! I appreciate and I feel honored about your compliments very much.
I have always had a deep admiration for gifted photographers such as yourself. I am not particulary gifted in that area, but consider myself fortunate enough to appreciate a beautiful vibrant and alive photo when I see one. Thanks for sharing your eye and talent with the world.
Hi Anthony,
I feel flattered about your wonderful words to my photography. Thank you so much for this nice compliment, I appreciate every single word!
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