Saturday, September 01, 2007

Celebrate, celebrate...!

Celebrate, change your thoughts to love
Celebrate, what you're thinking of
Time ain't long, soon we'll be moving on,
Moving on...

I am a lucky person - and happy, proud and honored. Why am I feeling this way? Because I got my second "Rocking Blogger Award", given to me by the lovely Anna from her interesting and educational "My Only Photo" blog, with all her excellent photography.

Check out her amazing blog:

Thank you, Anna for this big honor to be a "Rocking Girl" blogger (again).You made my day!

You are supposed to give this award to five other fellow bloggers and I hope the following people will see how much I respect them:

Emma Alvarez Blog at

She is a beautiful blogger and a wonderful soul!

Andre Benjamin at

I love and enjoy all his poems, so full of feelings and love! His blog is written in Spanish.

Worldman at:

This is a absolutely amazing man with a fascinating style in life, helping the people in need in Darfur – a dangerous job, every day! Chapeau, Peter, you deserve this award, You really ROCK!

Danny…Danny…Wakeup… It’s a Beautiful Day at:

I like his blog very much! He has deep thoughts, good writing, a taste for music, and he knows how to live his life - and for the most, I like his humor!

Finding Life’s Enchantment at:

Her very pretty and tasteful blog amazes me every time I visit her sites. She has so much to say and to give! I think you really deserve this price a second time, Titania!

Celebrate, change your thoughts to love
Celebrate, what you're thinking of
Time ain't long, soon we'll be moving on,
Moving on...


Tawnya Shields said...

Thank you so much Sue. You have truly made my day. Your photos really bring some sunshine to my part of the world. Thank you again for the award you bestowed upon me. :o)

Voegtli said...

Hello. Not only am I pleased to get this award. But I am utterly pleased to get at the same time as Titania. And I am extremely pleased that her comment appears before my mine. Because Titania is number One. Thank you very much, Sue, and to be very original: You made my day, also. Merci viumau.

S-V-H said...

Hi Peter

You are more then welcome for this award!You deserve it!

Ich habe Titania zwar als Letzte aufgefuehrt in meiner Liste, was aber gar nichts heisst, im Gegenteil: Schon in der Bibel steht irgendwo geschrieben: "Die Letzten werden die Ersten sein" - und siehe da, es stimmt! Sie ist die Erste die geantwortet hat! Also hat die Bibel recht!:-)

Thanks for your inspirational and very original comment - das ist so richtig astreines Bernduetsch!I love it!

S-V-H said...

Hi Titania,

It's nothing to thank, you deserve this award - and I have to say it again, not only Peter is a big fan of your blog! :-)


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