Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday 13th. - a spooky day?

Is a Friday the 13th. - like today - really a spooky and a dangerous day? A lot of people believe that. What about YOU?


Anonymous said...

I've never really been superstitious but with friday the 13th having over 700 years of being considered an unlucky day, I keep an open mind and eye.. :)

I like the cat eyes... very cool

S-V-H said...

Thank you rvnx11 for the compliment! Your CAT (Avatar) has spooky eyes too...:-))!

Anonymous said...

Nope I was born on Thursday the 13th August, but I have always liked the number 13. It's always brought me good luck.

Pretty kitty.

Anonymous said...

I was born on August 13th, a Thursday. The number thirteen has always been good luck for me. Cute kitty!

GMG said...

I used to live in an appartment at a nr.13; now I live at an appartment on a 13th floor. I would say that I don't believe in "brujas, pero que las hay..."

S-V-H said...

Hi Theresa,

I like to hear positive feedback about the Number 13. I am not superstitious either.:-))

S-V-H said...

Hi gmg,
thanks for the comment on my blog. I bet you have a nice view on the 13th floor, right? And what mean your last words "brujas, pero que las hay..".."pero" means "because" - this is all what I understand in Spanish.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mom
Sehr hübsch, die Katzenaugen. Passt zum Fr 13. ;-) Hatte gestern meine Zwischenprüfung in der Visagistenschule. Hab bestanden, war aber eine komische bitchige Angelenheit das Ganze...tell you more on the phone. Umarmung & hdl j.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe in numbers bringing bad or good luck, I didn't understand what the fuss about 07/07/07 was either!

S-V-H said...

Hallo Jeanninchen,

Welche Ueberraschung, dich hier zu sehen und erst noch mit einem Kompliment zu meinem Bild zum Freitag den 13.! Ich freue mich aufs Telefon!:-))

S-V-H said...

Hi Alex,
Thanks for your comment. Me either, I don't believe in this number games - but many others out there!

lyliane six said...

Hello I am back
I am not supertitious, I had a black cat with splendid green eyes like those of your photograph.

S-V-H said...

Yes, Lyliane, cats are "magnifique animeaux"! I love them very much! How was your 14.Juillet??


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