and in the mean time taking a little nap can never be wrong :))
Captured in Charleston, South Carolina.
Cats sleep anywhere
Cats sleep anywhere, any table, any chair.
Top of piano, window-ledge, in the middle, on the edge.
Open draw, empty shoe, anybody's lap will do.
Fitted in a cardboard box, in the cupboard with your frocks.
Anywhere! They don't care! Cats sleep anywhere.
Eleanor Farjeon (1881 - 1965)
Hi my friends,
I hope you like the cat poem - and the picture too. I'm a big cat lover. If I would have a big house and all the time it needs to take care well to those wonderful animals, I would have MANY of them.
Maybe in my next life, I will....*smile*...
Since my biggest job in these recent last days has become to be a nurse for my ill hubby, I have decided, maybe not to post every day anymore for a while. But for sure I'll bring up my "Wordless Sunday Photos", don't miss it tomorrow!
I hope you understand, that I want to spend more of my time differently and I will be posting only twice or sometimes 3 times a week, from now on.
The health problems of the "Love of my life" have to be fixed first.
And a creative pause is always good for every creative person - to regenerate your mind and soul!
See you tomorrow - and don't forget me totally. I'll be around on and off.
Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas, here
Cats sleep anywhere
Cats sleep anywhere, any table, any chair.
Top of piano, window-ledge, in the middle, on the edge.
Open draw, empty shoe, anybody's lap will do.
Fitted in a cardboard box, in the cupboard with your frocks.
Anywhere! They don't care! Cats sleep anywhere.
Eleanor Farjeon (1881 - 1965)
Hi my friends,
I hope you like the cat poem - and the picture too. I'm a big cat lover. If I would have a big house and all the time it needs to take care well to those wonderful animals, I would have MANY of them.
Maybe in my next life, I will....*smile*...
Since my biggest job in these recent last days has become to be a nurse for my ill hubby, I have decided, maybe not to post every day anymore for a while. But for sure I'll bring up my "Wordless Sunday Photos", don't miss it tomorrow!
I hope you understand, that I want to spend more of my time differently and I will be posting only twice or sometimes 3 times a week, from now on.
The health problems of the "Love of my life" have to be fixed first.
And a creative pause is always good for every creative person - to regenerate your mind and soul!
See you tomorrow - and don't forget me totally. I'll be around on and off.
Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas, here
Hi Susanne,
ein schönes Foto...
Auch ich teile die zu Katzen...
Ich denke es wird jeder verstehen, das Du in nächster Zeit ruhiger wirst mit deinem Blog!
Dein Liebster, die Gesundheit haben absolute Priorität!
Ich wünsche Euch von Herzen alles Gute!
Danke dir, liebe Yvi, fuer den schoenen Kommentar und fuer das Verstandnis. es ist nur manchmal hart, denn die sogenannten "Freunde" vergessen einem zu schnell, wenn man nicht mehr present ist. Das Internet ist ein schnellebiges Medium, weisst du...?
Wuensche dir einen schoenen Sa/So. Es regnet nun hier und es ist wieder kaelter geworden auch...
So sweet...not only the photo but also the comment...I wish you all the best..!!
"see" you soon!!
cute pic and poem :)
i think i need a nap right about now too;)
Suzanne-hope your husband's health issues have a positive resolution very soon.
Thank you very much Dario! :)
Thanks for stopping by, Christina :)
Thank you very much, Marty! He will, we are optimistic! :)
Beautiful scene, thanks for sharing. :)
Susanne you take all the time you need, we are not going anywhere. Health is more important, and you need to stay strong. Thanks for letting me know too, appreciated. My prayers are with you guys. Anna :) PS as always very nice photo.
Thanks for stopping by here, kRiZ!
Thanks for understanding and for the comment,Anna :)
Hallo Susanne,
Don't worry. Kümmere Dich um Deinen Mann. Ich wünsche Euch beiden, dass er bald wieder gesund wird.
My best wishes.
Vielen Dank fuer die guten Wuensche, Peter!
Great photo capture! I love how he is so sprawled out on the steps, not a care in the world!
Thats one of the cutest pictures ive seen in a long time :) love it!
Thank you so much Hannah - nice to see new faces visiting! :)
Thanks Joan :)
Susanne, I'm sorry to hear your husband is ill. I hope he gets better fast, and that it's nothing serious. Of course we understand if you can't post as much. And no, we won't forget about you!
I love your photo. It evokes a calm and cozy "domestic" mood.
THANK you so much, Lynda!!! you're so kind.
Very cute, I love the fact that cats sleep in the most incredible places!
Thank you Juergen!
Poor cat! Waiting his owner to open the door... Anyway, that is very nice shot.
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