County of Gillespie This two-story stone structure served as the fourth jail for Gillespie County, organized in 1848. It was constructed by the firm of C. F. Priess and Bro. in 1885. The ground floor housed a holding area and living quarters for the jailer. the second floor had two steelclad cells located against the east wall and maximum security cells in the center and at the back. The building was used as a county jail facility until 1939.

Fredericksburg is a city of beauty and charm. Its founding includes a rich history of people making a good life in a new place with the help of friends and neighbors. Working together, they created a city where all could live up to their potential, participate in activities and benefit from services to enhance the quality of their lives. The spirit of working together to create a beautiful, livable place is still alive today in Fredericksburg. And that spirit is responsible for the ambiance of the city today.
Read more about history of this town here
Hi my friends,
Thank you all for your loyal visits to my blog and for all the nice comments and compliments too. I appreciate that very much and I'm happy to see the faces of them who are visiting - but I'm asking myself also, why other don't come anymore...
I know, I know.... looking at traveling photos from somebody else is not the same like to be on that journey your self. I try to show you as much as possible from my sight of view and with my feelings of the places that we are visiting and with my own stumbling words - and I hope, I don't bor you to much. :))
Tomorrow, we will leave from here and moving on towards our next bigger goal: somewhere in New Mexico. Stay tuned! I'm looking forward to our new adventures and I hope to see you too, traveling with me.
Thank you all for your loyal visits to my blog and for all the nice comments and compliments too. I appreciate that very much and I'm happy to see the faces of them who are visiting - but I'm asking myself also, why other don't come anymore...
I know, I know.... looking at traveling photos from somebody else is not the same like to be on that journey your self. I try to show you as much as possible from my sight of view and with my feelings of the places that we are visiting and with my own stumbling words - and I hope, I don't bor you to much. :))
Tomorrow, we will leave from here and moving on towards our next bigger goal: somewhere in New Mexico. Stay tuned! I'm looking forward to our new adventures and I hope to see you too, traveling with me.
Of course, showing us pictures is not the same things as if we would do the journey ourselves. But you put such a variety of sights that it feels as if we did the journey ourselves. I enjoy it very much and I loved the sights of Friederiksburg and of Luckenbach in your previous post.
I know that this trip takes a lot of your time to see new things, to show them to us and to make us "gluschtig". And I think that, most probably, in a long time to come, when you have settled again, you should consider making a photo book about your trip.
then there must be some authentic German dishes served. Thanks for sharing
They are such lovely pictures. I've always dreamed of a trip like yours... maybe some day. Good luck with the rest of your trip!
A piece of Germany in the middle (I guess not really middle) of the US. Nice pics.
Wonderful old town. Love the architecture and detail you've captured. Looks like a great place!!!
What a pretty town and I love the tree of Life Sue.
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