Friday, July 18, 2008

On a Cloudy and Windy Day Like This....

Pretty clouds make a nice back ground

Charleston seen from James Island

Container ship docks in the harbor

Private boat docks going out to the water

The wind was blowing me almost away :-)

A very small but pretty beach

A close up with my long lens of the Ravanel bridge - it looks like the bridge is just around the corner, right?

It was a pretty afternoon yesterday, the wind was blowing like crazy and the clouds were fantastic in the sky. I like to feel the wind on my skin and to smell the salty water, watching people at the beach and capturing some great moments in time. I have more pictures tomorrow about this small spot out somewhere on Johns Island in Charleston, so stay tuned! :-)


  1. Very nice pictures, I visit your blog often but I fail to leave comments. The first one today could be on the shore of Lake Nipissing here in North Bay.

  2. Hi Andree,

    thanks for visiting my blog - come back as often you like. It's nice to know that I have loyal visitors. :-)

  3. Hey Susanne, excellent images, cool they pass on the fact it was very windy, whether it be the clouds, waves or branches.

  4. Hi Bob,

    thank you for stopping by and for your kind compliment.

  5. Hello Susanne,

    Love your photos, first time visting your site/blog.

  6. Hi Jim,

    thanks for visiting and for your kind comment. Come back often, I have every day something new up here. Where do you come from?

  7. Susanne, I just came upon your blog for the first time and was immediately taken with the quality of your photographs and the choices of subjects. Each one tells a little story.
    My wife and I just took a trip around the southeast part of the U.S. and a lot of these places look very familiar. Just a nice surprise to see them again and you've done such a beautiful job. I'll be back often to see what your up to. If you have a moment, stop by my blog and check out my watercolors and let me know what you think. Keep up the great work.

  8. Hi double "d"

    Thank you very much for your wonderful compliment to my photography. I very much appreciate your kind words.

    Please come back often, I'm posting every day something new about the Lowcountry area. Nice to meet you!

  9. Those were all good. That first one really grabbed my attention. Beautiful.
    Have a nice weekend.

  10. Hi Tawnyia,

    thanks for your comment. I wish you a great weekend too!

  11. My mother always liked to take photos on cloudy days. She liked the way the colors came out and the softened shadows. I think you do amazing shots of clouds. I just love clouds in pictures, especially the first one. I have gotten lucky from time to time as well and I always feel they have more drama. Nice work.

  12. I do agree with you; nothing compares to the nature and the smell of nature and the ocean. Great pics showing this atmosphere too - thanks for sharing!

  13. Hi Diane

    thank you so much for your kind words to my post. I'm glad you liked the post. :-)

  14. Hi Renny,

    Thanks for visiting and your comment too.You as a Norwegian you are used too to rough weather conditions, I bet! :-)

  15. looks like you have some winds like us. i love the first one of the bench. and the view.

  16. Thank you Carol,

    for stopping by my post, I'm glad you liked it. And yes, it was windy, almost blown away. :-)

  17. Okay now I want to sit on this bench (the first photo) - amazing, and peaceful. Anna :) PS ofcourse with Matthew, and hey you can join us, lol.

  18. Oh, I would LOVE to watch little Matthew and you can take some photographs - of us of course! :-)

    Thanks Anna for all your comments, very much appreciated. Do you have some free time? Is Matthew already sleeping? :-)

  19. Susanne, we are about to give him a bath. Domenic is about to wake him up from his 1 hour sleep, and we getting him ready for a longer 4 hour sleep. He is like us, likes to sleep at night. Sometimes we have a little chuckle about him, when I burp him at night, he sleeps and executes small snoaring sounds while sitting. Oh he is so adorable. Yes my free time is when he sleeps, usually in the late evenings. Thanks Susanne, I got to run, will see you around, Anna :)


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