One of the most eye-catching fountains in the whole city, Charleston's famous Pineapple Fountain stands in Waterfront Park, in the downtown district. The Pineapple Fountain has become one of the city's most photographed landmarks and symbolizes hospitality.
Kids and Moms are enjoying the warm spring weather at the water fountain 
Kids have always fun - with water
This is really a lovely spot. And bright weather too. Perhaps I have to venture once to sit in an airplane for hours without smoking to come and look at beautiful things like that.
Du bist jederzeit herzlich eingeladen uns zu besuchen, sofern du den rauchfreien Flug ueberstehst, Peter! Irgendwo haben wir auch noch ein Feldbett..... :-)
I love that name... Pineapple fountain... if only it really had pineapple juice... yummy!
It is a beautiful fountain and looks sehr much fun. I wish I could jump and play in in right now!!!
Thank you Michele, for your nice comment. You always make me smile:-)
very shots
Nice waterfalls Sue, lovely day too by the looks of thinmgs.
Thank you evlahos,
for visiting my blog.:-)
Thanks Carol,
to be my loyal reader! :-)
I can no longer remember what it looked like there before the park was put in. It's nice that it turned out to be such a great success. We used to enjoy walking there on summer evenings after having dinner downtown. Your pictures are beautiful, as always.
I'm happy, my photos bring some nice memories back to you. Thanks for your comment, Sandpiper!
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