Have you ever seen something like this? The palm tree is covered with Jasmine flowers!
Can you imagine how sweet this smells?
Hmmmm..... so fragrant in the spring breeze.
Can you imagine how sweet this smells?
Hmmmm..... so fragrant in the spring breeze.
Sue, that is divine. I have never seen jasmine climbing a palm tree before. You must be enjoying your new area. :D
Hugs, JJ
Hi Sue, that is a lovely picture - must smell great - we have jasmine in our garden. I have never seen jasmine growing on a palm tree. I have recently photographed palm with a mistletoe growing on it.
Hi nature nut //JJ,
nice to see you again on my blog. Thanks for commenting. And yes, I do enjoy my new living place very much. :-)
Hi Max,
also for me is was the first time to see something like this. The smell is exceptional great!
Very nice pictures as always sue. Never seen anything like that. Do you have a flickr profile?
Hi Sherer,
thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind comment. Very much appreciated.:-)
Palm tree, Palm tree? I don't see a palm tree! Amazing what nature does.
very beautiful
Hallo Peter,
manchmal sieht man vor lauter Baeumen den Wald nicht mehr, gell? Ungefaehr so muss es dir ergangen sein beim betrachten dieses Fotos.
Vielen Dank fuer deinen Kommentar!
Thank you evlahos,
takig your time and writing a comment.
never seen that before Sue. Bet the smell was heaven. Lovely shot.
Thanks Carol, yes the smell almost knocks you out, so sweet!
Hi Susanne,
Your sprouting Palm Tree post made me remember a mini palm tree we planted outside our front door. We had some exceptional spiritual things happen in our home over a few months that gave us tremendous peace. Shortly after, our palm started sprouting jasmine, which we thought was an interesting coincidence. Anyhow, an even more interesting thought is.. Why does this happen? Have you ever looked into it?
Hi Lisa,
thank you for your kind comment to this picture.
I think those palms are getting the seeds of Jasmine while they still are standing in a nursery in to the soil and then they grow out from the same soil... spread with the wind or however. Otherwise I have no other explanation - but enjoy your plant and the wonderful smell :-)
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