Monday, June 25, 2007

There is always a new hope....

Nothing is lost for ever, nothings just ends! There is always a new hope, a new life is coming up, even the conditions of surviving are not the best some times! I'm glad to see this new bud on my dried out tree!


lyliane six said...

In Normandie it rain all the days, but the weather is not hot for the flowering of the gardens.

S-V-H said...

Hi Lyliane, thank you so much for your kind comments to my post from today and yesterday. You are living in the Normandie? That's avery nice place of France! And what about living in Madeira for ever?:-))

Earl said...

Very inspirational!

S-V-H said...

Thanks Earl! Pictures of Nature makes me inspirational in a certain way...sometimes.:-))

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of photo and message that should ne on the front page of our newspapers.

S-V-H said...

Hi Theresa,

YES, I full agree with you!! Thank you for your nice words!

lyliane six said...

I liked much Madeira for the holidays, I will go back there, but I live close to Paris 80 km, and I prefer to remain in France, it is so beautiful.

S-V-H said...

Hi lyliane, thanks for your new comments.YES, Paris is always beautiful, no doubts! I visited Paris many times, I was there once also on the 14.Julliet- that was a great experience: the parade on the Champs-Elyssee and all the flags everywhere in the city...and..and..c'etait magnifique!


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