Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Don't worry - Be Happy

If you want to be happy, be.
Leo Tolstoy
Hi my friends,
I like the quote from Leo Tolstoy! 
It's that simple, yes: just BE happy and the best thing to do: start today!! :))
Maybe I should do more life coaching than my photography...*smile*... 

Thank you very much for all the wonderful comments to my airshow photos. I'm - happy - you liked it!
Wish you all a happy day!

Yes, the CALENDARS 2011 are still available to buy! Go tot he right column in my blog and you can buy them directly from there - click in the links, o.k.? THANK YOU!


Carmen and Rachelle said...

Love the photo and the quote!

Kimberly Gauthier, Dog Nutrition Blogger for Keep the Tail Wagging said...

Love the quote, love the picture.

S-V-H said...

Thank you Shelle :))

S-V-H said...

Thank you too, Kimberley. Happy you like it too :)

nothingprofound said...

Love the blue background in the photo-such a feeling of serenity. That's one of my favorite quotes.

The Retired One said...

Love the bended grass along with the sparkling ocean in this one! Nice!

S-V-H said...

I love the quote too, Marty! :) Thank you for visiting!

S-V-H said...

Thank you so much Joan.

This picture was taken for once not at the beach, it was on the Banana-River at Merrit Island. :))

Trotter said...

Hi Sue! Great Lyev Nikolayevich...

After four posts, Blogtrotter Two is leaving Algiers 2009... Enjoy and have a great week ahead!

Marcie said...

Love the quote..and the perfect simplicity of the image works magic!!!

S-V-H said...

Tolstoy was obviously a - happy - man... or he knew the secret how to be happy, right?

Thanks for the comment, Manuel. Do you feel better now? :)

S-V-H said...

A simple quote to a very simple picture :))

Thank you for liking it and for the comment, Marcie!

Anonymous said...

You do very nice photography.

Lynda Lehmann said...

I agree: being happy is for the most part, a decision. A very rational one, at that! (Who wants to be miserable?)

S-V-H said...

Thank you so much, Abraham. I love to see new faces visiting my blog :)

S-V-H said...

Yes, Lynda... nobody want's to be miserable!!! Thanks for visiting my blog. :)


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