Saturday, October 09, 2010

Make your mental blue print

Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. 
Make your mental blue print, and begin to build.
Robert Collier
Hi my friends,
I like this quote very much and it's true. 
Everything in life begins with a mental blueprint. 
Let's start today!

Thank you for all your kind comments, they are like always, very much appreciated.

I have created some NEW CALENDARS 2011 - they make a nice Christmas gift, don't you think? 
Now, they are all available to buy too!

My friends and fans in America buy it here:

My European friends and fans buy my calendars here:


A Lady's Life said...

This is pretty white on blue.

A Lady's Life said...

Very pretty White on blue.

S-V-H said...

These are wildflowers in front of a rock - with a blue tint over :)

Thanks for liking it, Lady!

Drackar said...

Lovely blue color.

S-V-H said...

Thanks, Drackar :)

nothingprofound said...

Now this is a gorgeous picture. Would go well with one of your Zen proverbs.

*for some reason your broadcast didn't make it my e-mail. Don't know why. Have you been receiving mine?*

S-V-H said...

Thanks for the comment, Marty!

*I'm not 100% sure if the broadcast went ever through, the site looked very strange... I think it doesn't work, or not properly* sorry...

Trotter said...

Hi Sue! Interesting! Quite appropriate for my reading of Antonio Damasio's «Self comes to Mind"... (The Portuguese edition has already been released...)

PS: I’m going to be offline working in a «remote» location next week, but left you in a new destination in Blogtrotter Two... Enjoy and have a great week!

S-V-H said...

What a great coincidence, Manuel. Thanks for the comment and have a good "remote" time. :)


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