If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you'll never enjoy the sunshine.
Morris West
Hi my friends,
I like to send you ALL a little bit of sunshine to your way in my photo.
It's COLD in Florida, freezing cold! We are hoping it will move bye pretty soon, because this cold is not good for all the Citrus plants and the Strawberries are frozen already.
We are wearing warm coats - no shorts and flip-flops anymore :)
Thank you for all your wonderful and warm comments to my pelican post from yesterday.
See you tomorrow - and stay warm!
CALENDARS anybody...??? There are some left...the last ones....
Morris West
Hi my friends,
I like to send you ALL a little bit of sunshine to your way in my photo.
It's COLD in Florida, freezing cold! We are hoping it will move bye pretty soon, because this cold is not good for all the Citrus plants and the Strawberries are frozen already.
We are wearing warm coats - no shorts and flip-flops anymore :)
Thank you for all your wonderful and warm comments to my pelican post from yesterday.
See you tomorrow - and stay warm!
CALENDARS anybody...??? There are some left...the last ones....
I love the light and shadows in this shot. Hope you warm up soon. :)
We try to stay as warm we can... we are just not used to this cold, we are to spoiled here in other days very warm Florida.
Lovely, like everytime...
Great shot!
Danke fuers Vorbeischauen, Yvi!
Es ehrt mich, dass du meine Fotos magst :
nice to see sunlight and blooms and no snow LOL lovely patterns of shadows.
Thank you so much, Carol :)
oh, I would just like to sit right there in the sunshine.
Yes, we are hearing about the cold in Florida right now...hope it is over soon...it is awful there because the damp cold chills you to the bone and usually the homes don't have strong heating systems to combat it...and your wardrobes aren't warm like ours are up north! Hopefully your sun will return soon!
Thank you Joan for backing me up when I always try to explain that in the 40's is VERY cold for us Floridians :)
Yes, staying warm. Not possible here that is why I leave for warmer fields soon again :-)
Du hast es gut Peter! Du kannst einfach verschwinden an Orte wo's wirklich waermer ist als hier im Sueden der USA, wo solch ungewohnt tiefe Temepraturen herrschen wie jetzt gerade und das bedeutet viel Stress fuer Mensch und Natur.
Danke fuer deinen Besuch auf meinem Blog und gute Reise!
Sue, das sieht aus wie ein Riegelhaus bei uns. --- Sehr schönes und warmes Licht und interessanter Bildaufbau.
das Riegelhaus steht in Solvang, California...Peter. Ich weiss, es sieht sehr aehnlich aus. Vielen Dank fuer deinen Kommentar.
looks real warm there, take care!
Thank you KriZ :)
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