Hi my friends,
I hope you'll enjoy my small collection of photos for this post :) Santa Fe is beautiful, it's magic, yes! I would go there anytime again and I would even stay the whole summer. I have enjoyed every single hour there!
Today we arrived in Colorado already. The landscapes were again beautiful and amazing! The weather is great and warm, also here. I'll show you pictures for sure :)
Thanks for all the wonderful comments from yesterday!
Susanne and David
I hope you'll enjoy my small collection of photos for this post :) Santa Fe is beautiful, it's magic, yes! I would go there anytime again and I would even stay the whole summer. I have enjoyed every single hour there!
Today we arrived in Colorado already. The landscapes were again beautiful and amazing! The weather is great and warm, also here. I'll show you pictures for sure :)
Thanks for all the wonderful comments from yesterday!
Susanne and David
Wonderful post Susanne. Love all the photos. So you're in my home state now? I'm anxious to see what photos you will choose to post of Colorado. (Do you know about the Sand Dunes?)
Very cool post Susanne, very interesting, lots of history and some fantastic shots.
I would have bought up all that turquoise...I love it too!!
Nice shots!
Wow, you sure captured the charm of Santa Fe. I hope you-all made it over to Taos while you were so close.
Philmont Boy Scout Ranch was also close in Cimarron, NM, but that would have been a little far off of your path. Spending a couple of weeks there in the summer of 1971 is one of the fondest memories of my childhood.
Oh Susanne, thanks for sharing those architecture photos, they are just amazing. Wow, you two really finding beautiful treasures. Anna :)
Ja, ich hätte Santa Fe geliebt, tatsächlich! Interessante Architektur, Spiritualität und Kunst an jeder Ecke machen diesen Ort magisch. Falls ihr euch in Santa Fe niederlässt, werde ich euch sofort besuchen kommen:-))
My step-daughter and family lives there and my husband (her Dad) and I just love going to visit her. If you go to my site and look in the Sep. 07 archives and Oct 1-18you will see their new home with paintings, etc. They now live outside Santa Fe on top of a high hill and have a 360 degree view. It is breath taking. I love your pictures of Santa Fe...very nice! That is Bill Worrell's gallery you took a pic of.
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