Yesterday was a hot summer day. We went down to Edisto beach to see how much fun was going one there. I have seen a lot of families with kids playing in the cooling waves, like this two girls here.
While back in the city the kids there were trying to have their own fun with water also - like this boy, jumping high in the cool fountain in the park.
Yes, Summer fun will be everywhere. In Montreux, the Jazz Fesitval. Which, unfortunately I will miss again, for the 4th year. But my daughter will be t-shirts for me.
The photo with the water fountains reminds of the ones in front of the Bundeshaus in Berne. Where people enjoy, in particular the kids. And which gives life to the Bundesplatz. And takes a bit the austerity of that location away.
lovely shots, i wish everyone of us manage to have such a wonderful summertime
brilliant captures all of them but i particularly like the like boy in the fountain. wish our weather was as hot. We had one hot day and now we are back to rain again.
Hi Peter,
nach ueber 7 Jahren Amerika, habe ich etwas gelernt: dass die CH regierung eines der besten ist auf der ganzen Welt. Keine Korruption und Unterdrueckung, keine Kriege fuer Nichts, wo Unschuldige ihr Leben fuer die Idee eines einzigen Mannes hergeben! Du darfst sehr zufrieden sein mit unserer Regierung - und wenn nicht, dann koenne WIR, das Volk jederzeit eingreifen - NICHT aber so hier in USA!
Erfreue dich ueber das alte ehrwuerdige Gebilde in Bern! Danke fuer deinen Kommentar.
Hi evlahos,
thank you so much for your nice compliment to my summer shots.:-)
Hi Carol,
Summer will be there soon too in GB, just a little bit later - 2 or 3 days, you'll see...LOL..- than in the "deep South". Thanks for commenting.:-)
I wanna go down to a beach, you are very lucky, when I was in Kelowna we went down to the beach everyday, very cool. Great summery shots Susanne.
Hi Bob,
yes I'm very lucky! I love to live close to the water and if it's the even the ocean, better for me and more lucky me.:-)
Thanks for your comment.
Spending time tonight visiting everyones blogs and as always yours doesnt dissappoint. I love the shot of the child inthe fountain..Ah,the joys of childhood summers..
Thank you for this nice compliment Rick! Great to see you around again.:-)
These are great. I especially like the one of the kid playing in the water.
Love the fountains
Thank you for your kind comment, 2sweetnsaxy!
Thanks Gillian, very nice to see you visiting my blog.:-)
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