I'm a photographer and not a botanist!
I love shapes, the colors and the light in this beautiful flower, but I don't know the name for it.
I'm sure, out there in this world of bloggers is one, or more experts who can tell me the correct name for this colorful plant, yes? I'm looking forward for your answers and comments. Thank you in advance.
I love shapes, the colors and the light in this beautiful flower, but I don't know the name for it.
I'm sure, out there in this world of bloggers is one, or more experts who can tell me the correct name for this colorful plant, yes? I'm looking forward for your answers and comments. Thank you in advance.
It looks familiar, but I don't know what it is. It's beautiful!
Thank you very much for your kind comment, Sandpiper.
Susanne, very nice flowers and perfect pictures. Thank you for daily pictures.
Susanne! Very nice flowers and very nice pictures. Thank you for every day publishing!
Thank you too, Peter
for visiting my blog and for your nice compliment to my photos.
If I'm not mistaken it's a flame lily... which is indigenous to Zimbabwe.
Hi Jenty,
thank you so much for taking your time and telling me the name for this gorgeous flower.
The name makes sense for me, thank you!
Very pretty Sue. It is an awesome close up! Absolutely stunning.
Mountain Retreat
Thank you Michele,
for all your kind words to my post today. Appreciate that!
and you are a great one (photographer). as for the name. i'm not a botanist.:)
Love your blog Susanne! You are a wonderful photographer. I will return regularly since I think I could learn a lot just by observing your work.
Liked the macro work here. I am in the market for a macro capable lens for my Canon d30. Any recommendations?
Thank you so much, evlahos
for your wonderful compliment. I know that you are in the same boat like me, you are a excellent photographer and not a Botanik either.:-)
Hi Dan
thank you so much for your wonderful compliment to my photos here on my blog. Very nice to see you here visiting my site.
I love these pictures. I agree that flower is spectacular!
Thank you cerulean,
for your nice comment.
Oh my gosh, these flowers have everything, amazing colour and exotic shapes to match. You've captured them perfectly Susanne, well done!
Thank you Karen,
for your comment. They are very pretty, isn't it? I'm glad you liked it too.
Great macro shots. superb. beautiful flowers too.
This is a absolutely perfect flower, I agree with you. Thanks Carol!
Well you certainly are a great photographer, nice shots, love the colors, I gotta get myself a good macro lens.
Thank you Bob,
for your nice compliment to this flower post!
Hi Susanne, Jenty is right it is very definitely a flame lily. We have some growing in our garden. They are never disappointing
Hi Max-e
thank you and Jenty so much for your big help to find the correct name to this flower. Flame Lilly, what a nice name for this beautiful flower, it really looks like flames.
Thanks for taking your time and visiting my blog.
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