Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My 500th post and an Award!

I had a very nice way to start my day today! Somebody wrote me, I made someones day - I almost cannot believe it - and I got an award for it! :)

Some months ago I met in this big world of blogs a great photographer friend, Barbara Gordon. She is living at the West Coast, there where people sing, there is never raining....is that right, Barbara? :)

awarded me with this wonderful and honoring award....

Thank you so much Barbara - YOU made my day! I'm so honored to get this from such a nice person and a great photographer, like you.
I LOVE your work too!

And this is how it works...

1. Write a post with links to five blogs that make your day.
2. Acknowledge the post of the award giver.
3. Display the You Make My Day Award logo.
4. Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs or emailing them the news.

OK, it's easy enough, right? :)

And here are the 5 blogs that made MY day:

to my good friend Michele, the Rocky Mountain Girl in Canada

Diane with her beautiful blog about her tasteful handmade book covers

She has a great travel blog with excellent photography

Delphy and his blog "Sad Smile". But a smile is not always only a "sad" smile, right?

Mark's blog and some of his funny videos made me laugh


  1. Congratulations on your 500th post!
    And thank you so much for thinking of me - I am thrilled!


  2. Nothing to thank Diane,
    You are very welcome.

  3. Congratulations to your 500th posts. You beat me royally. I am at around 230.

    Imagine, 500 posts, each with several pictures. If you would make a book with them, it would have hundreds and hundreds of pages.

    And we would need a lot of time to look at the book. In case you make this book, I can tell you that I will soon have a lot of time. And therefore would by the book and look at your beautiful pictures.

    But perhaps, I might not have time, because I am on retirement, you might be at your 1000th post. And then the book would be really big. :-)

  4. Hi Peter,

    as far as I know are retired people most time more busy than working people...right? Pensionierte haben doch nie Zeit, weil sie immer ueberbeschaeftigt sind.:-)

    Thanks for your comment and for your great ideas about that book that probably will be never made...LOL..

  5. wow 500 nice!
    10x a lot for the award
    you made my day to

  6. Wow, CONGRATULATIONS!!! 500th post... that's just amazing. I doubt if any of my blogs will make it to that point. Though it's nice to know that one of my blogs has somehow made someones day. Thanks for including my blog in your list. I hope I reach that 500th post too, in any of my blogs.

    Vielen Dank für die Verknüpfung von meiner Seite zu Ihrer Blog-Seite mit dem höchsten Rang. ;)

    Well, your blogs exemplify not only quantity, but also quality. Your photographs are simply amazing.

    More power to you and your blogs.

  7. Congratulations for your 500th post Susanne. You deserve this award!

  8. Hi Delphy,
    nothing to thank! The pleasure was mine and I really like your blog too, it is different, it is great.

  9. Thank you evlahos,
    my loyal friend in Greece.

  10. Hallo Mark,

    Vielen Dank fuer die vielen, schoenen Komplimente zu meinem Blog.Ich bin ueberwaeltigt von deinen schoenen Worten!

    Ich bin froh, dass du den Award angenommen hast und auch schon weitergegeben hast, so wie ich es auf deinem Blog bereits sehen konnte.

  11. Hi Juka14,

    YOU deserve this award too, very much, I like your blog.

    And it is supposed to forward it to 5 other blog friends of you.

  12. Congratulations on your 500th post. Wow!
    And thanks so much for the award. I am touched by your thoughtfulness!

  13. Hi Michele,

    thanks for your congrats to my 500th post yesterday.

    And you are more than welcome to get this award - you and your fabulous blog deserve it 200%!

  14. Susanne, you are the best, congrats on both the award and the wow 500th post, amazing achievement. Anna :)

  15. THANK you Anna,

    I want to give back all the compliments to YOU! You made my day too, just now. :-)


Hi, Dear visitor!
Don't just leave here without writing a comment.

You will make my day with some kind words or with your thoughts.

Your comments are one of the main reasons to keep this blog running; so, don't be shy... ;)


All pictures are copyrighted and cannot be used, shared, copied and posted somewhere else without my written permission!

Thank you!