Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gorgeous Sunset


I know, not to many of you will have time today to sit on the computer and to blog. Family and friends are waiting for your excellent cooked or roasted Turkey with mash potatoes and gravy....and everything!:-)

Me and David are also invited tonight for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner by good friends of us. It will be my VERY FIRST experience of this old and great American tradition - and I'm sooo excited! :-)

I wish you all a great Thanksgiving Day!


Hallo an alle

Heute feiert man hier in USA den "Thanksgiving Day", aehnlich zu unserem "Dank- Bet- und Busstag". Familien kommen zusammen und wenn man keine Familie hat, laedt man Freunde ein oder wird eingeladen, so wie David und Ich heute abend. Susan, eine Freundin vom Pier, hat sich maechtig in die Vorbereitungen gestuerzt und einen RIESENGROSSEN
Truthahn gekocht mit allem Drum und Dran wie Kartoffelstock und feine Bratsauce dazu, Cranberries (was sind Cranberries in Deutsch eigentlich?), nicht zu vergessen den obligaten Kuerbiskuchen und Apple-Pie.

Sie hat das ganze Haus auf Hochglanz poliert, das gute alte
Silberbesteck hervorgegrabt, die Tischtuecher gestaerkt...und so
vieles mehr.Wir bringen den guten Rose-Wein mit, dann kann nichts mehr schiefgehen und alle 12 eingeladenen Gaeste werden auf Hochstimmung kommen, da bin ich mir sicher!

Thanksgiving ist hier auch der traditionelle Beginn von Weihnachten und seinem Einkaufsrummel...In vielen Haushaltungen steht ab heute bereits ein voll geschmueckter Christbaum im Wohnzimmer!

Andere Laender, andere Sitten.
Ich bin gespannt auf heute Abend!!!!!


  1. Beautiful photograph, Suzanne. I always feel sunsets are your speciality, and close to my heart too.

    Happy Thanksgiving. Mark.

  2. Thank you very much for your kind comment to my todays post, Mark! Yes, I love sunsets and they are the BEST here in Key West, every day a different magic one of mother nature!

  3. ...Susanne I just realized that I commented on the poem here, I met the one before this one, otherwise I don't know what I was reading in your language, lol, and sorry, got little mixed up....:0

  4. Wonderful sun set pictures Sue!

    As a Norwegian, but married to an American, Thanksgiving is a fairly new tradition to me. Today we had a wonderful family gathering though and I'll post about it tomorrow.

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Holiday :-)

  5. Hi Anna,

    No is maybe a little confusing to comment on that many posts in one time..:-)

    Thanks for taking your time and write so nice words to my pictures.

  6. Thanks for your best wishes Renny.

    For me it will be tonight the first experience of Thanksgiving in America. We both, my hubby and I, we dis never celebrate this holiday at all.

  7. Oh the sunset is so pretty, Sue. You take such wonderful fotos.

    You are so right that it is now the start of Christmas now that Thanks giving has arrived. At least that is the tradition as well in my home even though I live in Canada. We usually work around the American Thanksgiving. Canada celebrates Thanks giving a little earlier. We now will be putting the tree up and I'm as well as excited. I'm hoping that because I'm not feeling well that this will boost my spirit up.
    I hope you have a wonderful day. Sounds as if you have lots of company to be around with! Have fun!


  8. Thank you very much Michele

    for this wonderful and informative comment. I hope you will feel better soon!Just never give up and you will see, everything will be fine for you, just believe it!

  9. Awesome, one of your best, great sunset

  10. Thank you Bob,

    thank you very much for this nice compliment!

  11. Great photo. You have a very nice blog here. I always find that sunsets in particular capture my attention when taking photos, and you have done a marvelous job here capturing this one. Good work.


    David Webb
    David Webb's "Images of Nature" Photography Gallery

  12. Fantastic sunsets Sue. Here in Greece we don't have this Thanksgiving day. So I can only imagine this beautiful family meeting that you describing

  13. Thank you David, for this compliment to my Thanksgiving Sunset and for my work in Photography! I really appreciate that.

  14. Hi evlahos,

    Thanks for your comment. Thanksgiving is not celebrated everywhere, I know. It's a reason for get families together and also the big start for Christmas shopping time.:-)


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