Yellowstone Lake
is the largest body of water in Yellowstone National Park, The lake is 7,732 feet (2,376 m) above sea level and covers 136 square miles (352 km²) with 110 miles (177 km) of shoreline. While the average depth of the lake is 139 feet (42 m) its deepest spot is at least 390 feet (118 m). Yellowstone Lake is the largest freshwater lake above 7,000 feet (2,133 m) in North America.
In winter, ice nearly 3 feet (1 m) thick covers much of the lake, except where shallow water covers hot springs. The lake freezes over by early December and can remain frozen until late May or early June.
Read more about the Lake here
Hi my friends,
Thanks for your comments on my post a day before.
Dave and I, we had not such a great day yesterday. We spent again some hours in the emergency room. Dave felt VERY bad again. Now, we got new pills, new inhalers and I know, it will be better for the next some days - if there would be no nights. In the night his terrible cough came back again and he could not breath well. And, I ask myself if this will be good ever one day at all? I cannot see my husband suffering so much and it seems no one of the doctors are able to help him!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Buy my art at Imagekind
Hi my friends,
Thanks for your comments on my post a day before.
Dave and I, we had not such a great day yesterday. We spent again some hours in the emergency room. Dave felt VERY bad again. Now, we got new pills, new inhalers and I know, it will be better for the next some days - if there would be no nights. In the night his terrible cough came back again and he could not breath well. And, I ask myself if this will be good ever one day at all? I cannot see my husband suffering so much and it seems no one of the doctors are able to help him!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Buy my art at Imagekind
Hi Susanne,
ein tolles Foto...in der Farbe bringt es ein beruhigendes Gefühl rüber!
Ich wünsche deinem Mann gute Besserung und ich hoffe das bald Genesung eintreffen wird!
Alles Liebe und Gute
Thank you Yvi!
wie ich sehe, hast du dein avatar geaendert. Bist du das im Foto? Und wo in der CH wohnst du eigentlich?
Hi :-)
Ja das bin ich...mochte das andere Foto nicht mehr sehen!
Ich wohne in Pratteln, das ist ca. 10 Min von Basel entfernt...
Ja, ich kenne das mit dem nicht mehr moegen...nur bin ich zu lazy um es zu aendern :)
Ich fragte dich deshalb, weil ich den Namen deiner Provider-ID immer von einem anderen Ort aus erhalte. z.B. Gland, Richterswil,Huttwil,Zurich and so on... ich fragte mich, ob du denn jeden Tag an einem anderen Ort bist. Bist du das?
Schreib mir doch auf susanne2049@gmail.com - it's easier ;)
This is an amazing photograph. I love the color and the reflection.
Absolutely gorgeous shot.
Magnificent shot, Susanne!!! I soooo want to visit beautiful Yellowstone one day.
Hugs, JJ
Thank you so much Kimberley, for liking this shot in special.
Thanks Tina! It's nice to see new faces visiting my blog.
Thank you Nancy! yes, you have to go there, it's a feast for every photographers eye!
Lovely photos "color sepia" I like it very much...but..sono molto dispiaciuto per tuo marito...I really hope that he'll feel fine very soon..!!
Mille grazie per il Tuo commentario, Dario. Very much appreciated.
Sooooo pretty. I just love the mood in this shot...wonderful!
Thanks Joan. Glad you like it :)
lovely and peaceful
hope your husband feels better soon.
Thank you so much, my Lady ;)
The photo is lovely.
I really pray that your husband feels good very very soon.
Thank you very much, Shelly Jain.
I'm sorry to hear your husband is so ill, I hope he will soon recover!
In contrast the lake shot is really beautiful!
Thanks so much Anne. He is not well and we hope also for the best.
I'm glad you liked this photo.
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