HAPPY WEEKEND - Time to fly!
Joni Mitchell - Song to a seagull Lyrics
Fly silly seabird
No dreams can possess you
No voices can blame you
For sun on your wings
My gentle relations
Have names they must call me
For loving the freedom
Of all flying things
My dreams with the seagulls fly
Out of reach out of cry
I came to the city
And lived like old Crusoe
On an island of noise
In a cobblestone sea
And the beaches were concrete
And the stars paid a light bill
And the blossoms hung false
On their store window trees
My dreams with the seagulls fly
Out of reach out of cry
Out of the city
And down to the seaside
To sun on my shoulders
And wind in my hair
But sandcastles crumble
And hunger is human
And humans are hungry
For worlds they can't share
My dreams with the seagulls fly
Out of reach out of cry
I call to a seagull
Who dives to the waters
And catches his silver-fine
Dinner alone
Crying where are the footprints
That danced on these beaches
And the hands that cast wishes
That sunk like a stone
My dreams with the seagulls fly
Out of reach Out of cry
Joni Mitchell - Song to a seagull Lyrics
Fly silly seabird
No dreams can possess you
No voices can blame you
For sun on your wings
My gentle relations
Have names they must call me
For loving the freedom
Of all flying things
My dreams with the seagulls fly
Out of reach out of cry
I came to the city
And lived like old Crusoe
On an island of noise
In a cobblestone sea
And the beaches were concrete
And the stars paid a light bill
And the blossoms hung false
On their store window trees
My dreams with the seagulls fly
Out of reach out of cry
Out of the city
And down to the seaside
To sun on my shoulders
And wind in my hair
But sandcastles crumble
And hunger is human
And humans are hungry
For worlds they can't share
My dreams with the seagulls fly
Out of reach out of cry
I call to a seagull
Who dives to the waters
And catches his silver-fine
Dinner alone
Crying where are the footprints
That danced on these beaches
And the hands that cast wishes
That sunk like a stone
My dreams with the seagulls fly
Out of reach Out of cry
Hi Sue, welche Vorfreude für Anna und mich: Am 30.9. fliegen wir nach San Diego für 2 Wochen zu unseren Kindern und zu Nikki!
Enjoy your weekend, Peter
Ich geniesse deine daily pictures! Merci villmohl!
Hallo Peter,
Das ist sehr schoen fuer Anna und fuer dich und ich freue mich fuer Euch. Ich weiss, was es heisst, die Kinder und Grosskinder wieder einmal zu sehen. Lieben Gruss an Nikki!
Schoene Tage in San Diego und vielen Dank fuer deinen netten Kommentar!
What a beautiful photo! :)
Thank you Reggina,
thank you for visiting and for your comment.
My visit to your blog is always so nice and pleasant. Thank you! And.....have a GREAT weekend.
I want to say thank you very much, for your nice and touching compliment, Sue!
Up. up and away. What a beautiful photo. The perfect expression of freedom.
Hey sue,
I am aspiring photographer myself and and saving up to buy my own camera. Sue if possible could you also post your camera setting with each shot you take, such as focal setting, ISO and shutter speed. It will help other like me learn.
Thanks for the comment, Zd.
My photography is most time spontaneous, intuitive when I'm working in the fields. I don't remember all the dates, sorry.
great shot anyway!
Thanks for the visit Kriz!
Thank you Peter,
for your kind compliment!
lovely photo Sue I hope the gulls didn't attack you as some can be pretty darn cheeky and fly very close.
They came close....uhhh, right? :-)
Thanks for the comment, Carol!
Great shot, love birds in flight.
I very appreciate your visits to my blog and your comments too, Bob!
Okay this one is the winner for tonight's blogging, lol. Great capture. Anna :)
I knew it you will like the birds, as a ex-birdwatcher, right? :-) Thank you Anna for visiting!
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