September 14th 2006 - September 14th 2008
Hurray! Today is the 2nd birthday of my blog. It's a big day for me and I'm so proud of this little success…the fact that I could continue blogging (almost) every day!
Since starting this blog I have had over 20,000 visitors and I have made 700 posts. I'm so thankful to have met many great friends from all over the globe, you and you and you.....
To keep up a good friendship means a lot for me and that's why I want to say thank you to all of my loyal visitors. Without your supportive comments I would not have come this far.

And now I'm also happy to announce an unexpected Birthday gift I got from a beautiful blogger friend of mine: Michele, the Rocky Mountain Girl. She gave me this wonderful award and I am grateful. She said to me: "I really do love your blog". Thank you so much Michele for this gift and your kind compliment. I'm honored to receive this from you and do you know what, I love your blog too and love to see all your beautiful and refreshing photos, even though sometimes they make a little bit homesick for the mountains. I'm a mountain girl too, but from a place far away over the ocean.
And I had a hard time deciding whom I will pass this award to, because there are so many great blogs that I love. I'm sure all of you, my friends, deserve this award!
I’m going to pass this on to:
- http://titaniastarlight.blogspot.com/
Finding Life's Enchantments; Her Blog is so enchanting with every visit I do!
- http://sandpiper727.blogspot.com/
Lynn's excellent nature photos!
- http://worldgo.blogspot.com/
my Swiss blog friend in Darfur with a great writing style and always interesting stories to tell!
- http://vlavagphoto.blogspot.com/
Vaggelis Vlahos, don't miss excellent photography from Greece!
- http://dianecasmetamorphoses.wordpress.com/
DianeCA, an American women, blogging about her life and happy marriage in Norway
Congratulations my friends and a big toast to the next two blog years to come! Prosit…Cheers… Skoal…Salute!
A very happy birthday to Sue's daily photography. I hope you have plenty more.
A recent fan :)
Great job, congratulate with , I will follow up your next :)
Hello Susanne,
First of all congratulations to your two years of blogging. Secondly, I am ashamed with my two and a half years of blogging and "only" some 280 posts against your 700. And thirdly, thank you for the award. I had decided (early August when I messed up my blog) just to mention awards put not to put them on the sidebar anymore. But this one, I will definitely put it for everybody to see.
Talk about it I will a bit later, because I have to prepare for a big trip I start in Darfur tomorrow. So, it might be a day or two before I talk about it.
I am very touched and again thank you or "Merci vielmal".
Take care and don't get drunk celebrating your blog's anniversary.
Hi zd,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for the best wishes and also to become a fan of my simple photography, very much appreciated!
Hallo Peter,
don't worry, don't hurry at all, that's fine... I know you have other priorities in your life than just blogging! I'm honored that you will put up this award on your blog, against your own rules. That means a lot to me. "Merci vielmal" too!:-)
Liebe Sue! Herzliche Gratulation für Deinen 2-jährigen Blog. Inzwischen besuche ich ihn jeden Tag und freue mich jedesmal, weil ich soviel positive Energie rausspüre! Danke für Deinen hunderte "Kalenderblätter".
Gruss aus der Schweiz mit Schnee bis 1500 m um Mitte September.
Hi allforblue,
nice to have you as my newest fan! Thanks for your comment.
Hallo Peter,
vielen Dank fuer deinen lieben Kommentar und Gratulation zu meinem 2 jaehrigen Blog heute. Es ist schoen,in dir noch einen Fan aus der Schweiz zu haben, ebenfalls mit dem Namen Peter. Gibt es nur "Peter's" in der Schweiz...LOL...? :-)
Congratulations. You have a great blog and I am hope you will blogging for a long time to come.
Hi adam,
thank you for your nice words to my blog! Very much appreciated.
Congrats with your two years anniversary dear blog friend - I'm so glad I've met you too.
Reading your blog and watch the beautiful pics has been a pleasure so far and I wish you many, many more to come.
Congrats with your award too - you really deserve that.
So I open a bottle of champagne for you and cheers, all the way from Norway :-)
Congrats on your 2nd year! Looking forward to seeing more great things from you down the road.
Thank you Sean
for your congratulations, very nice to see you on my blog, on the other end of the road! :-)
Hi Renny,
thank you for your wonderful comment to my blogs B'day - and Skole, thanks for the Champagne.
I gave the award also to your lovely wife, because I really like her blog. Your blog of course too, but ladies first, o.k.? :-)
Congratulations, that is awesome! Keep up the great blogging! :)
Congratulations Susanne, to last that long in blogland is quite an achievement. :)
Hi Bob,
thank you so much for your nice compliment.:-)
Happy birthday. excellent work in those two years. Looking forward for your new great posts. And thank you very must for the award. it a great honor
YAY YAY... congratulations on your 2 year Anniversary!
I'm so proud of you!
That's quite an achievement but it has been wonderful to see all of the beautiful and amazing photos come out from this blog!!
I know that you could do this forever!
I look forward to seeing many many more spectacular photography and learning more about the area and travels you do and that is why "I Love Your Blog!"
Again, congratulations, my friend!
Hi Vaggelis,
thanks for the Birthday greetings and you are very welcome with the award. You deserve it, my friend. I like your blog very much!!!!
Hey Michele,
Yeah, let's go to the next 2 years of blogging - if I ever survive this stress....LOL...
Thanks for all your kind support and enthusiasm in all your words! :-)
Wow, thank you so much, Susanne. I'm really touched that you would pass this on to me. Congratulations on your anniversary and the award. Your blog is beautiful and your photography is remarkable. It's no wonder that it is such a success!
Hi Lin,
you are more than welcome, you deserve this award. I really like your blog and your great photos!
Thank you shimniok
for your cheering words! :-)
Happy Anniversary! Your work is inspiring and you definitely deserve the award! Keep the photos coming!
Angie's Photo Blog
Hello angie,
thank you very much for your supporting words! Very much appreciated, nice to have you as my blog friend!
Our power has been out, therefore I am a little late in wishing you a "Happy Anniversary" and sending my congratulations.
Keep up the GREAT WORK! Looking forward to many, many more great photos and blog entries.
Thank you Sue,
thank you so much for your kind words! :-)
Happy belated birthday, Susanne. :o)
Congratulations on your award. I love stopping by to see all the lovely photos. You are so gifted with the camera.
Thank you for bestowing upon me this lovely award. That is so sweet of you. :o)
Take care,
Hi Tawnyia,
thanks for your congratulations to my blogs B'day, very much appreciated. And you deserve this award too, because you lead me every time I visit your blog, into another world, into a wolrd where everything is good and the people are nice to each other and still you left me with your deep thoughts about life. It is so enchanting to read your blog!
Congratulations Sue on your 2nd birthday. you have some great imagery here and you have done a wonderful job so far. i'm pleased I came across your blog and now i'm hooked.
Thank you Carol,
for your congrats and I'm glad too, we met each other - virtual!
Sussane, happy belated anniversary, wow over 700 posts, wow, I am amazed. Very nice flower, I think I took same a while ago, lol. Anna :)
Thanks Anna for your congratulations to my blogs Birthday. So then, do we have the same flowers in our archives....? :-)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Blog-Geburtstag. Ich bin ja noch eine ganz neue Besucherin und Bewunderin Deines BLogs und erfreue mich sehr an den wunderschönen Photos und Einträgen. Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin viel Spass mit Deinem Blog und Deinen Lesern, bzw. Freunden. Ich grüsse Dich aus Deutschland! Susanne
Herzlich willkommen, meine neue Blogfreundin, mit dem gleichen Namen wie ich. Wenigstens kann ich nie sagen, ich habe deinen Namen vergessen...LOL...
Vielen Dank fuer dein liebes Kompliment und Gratulation zum 2 jaehrigen Geburtstag meines Blogs. Es macht mich gluecklich, wenn die Leute meine Fotos moegen. Danke fuer den Besuch, Susanne!
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